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Best Cement Manufacturer & Supplier in Bihar

Cement is one of the most important materials used in construction. Quality delivered by the cement supplier determines the durability of a building and maintains structural integrity. Order your cement and other construction material requirements from the best cement manufacturing company in Andhra Pradesh.


What is Cement?

Cement is a binder, although it is rarely used alone. It is typically mixed with fine aggregate to produce concrete and mortar for masonry projects. Cement is a compound that binds many substances together, including water, sand, and gravel. It is one of the most widely used building materials in the world.

Different Kinds of Cement used in the Construction Industry

There are several types of cement available in Bihar, each with its own unique properties and uses. As cement is one of the most important building materials, it should be used carefully to make sure it meets the building’s specifications and needs.

The three different kinds of cement are:

Involving the best quality cement in development projects enjoys a few benefits. It reduces development costs and works on the nature of structures. With appropriate quality control observing frameworks and current instrumentation, cement producers can limit item variety. They can likewise acquire better costs for bulk buyers. In any case, understanding the various kinds of cement and their particular advantages is essential.

The nature of cement utilized in development projects is often determined by the design of the concrete blend. The blended design determines the ideal extent of cement, water and different added substances. The blended design can shift depending on the chemical and physical properties of the cement. Utilizing cement with the appropriate strength, fineness and setting time for the ideal project is significant.

The best thing about involving the best quality cement for PPC is that it is more harmless to the ecosystem than normal cement. Subsequently, it causes less effect on the climate and is helpful to the world’s future. Additionally, it can take care of the changed necessities of various development projects.

This sort of cement contains Pozzolana materials, which give it predominant properties. The level of pozzolanic materials should be somewhere around ten to 30%. This kind of cement is like Ordinary Portland Cement; however, it consists of a higher level of Pozzolana materials.

PSC cement is a flexible and harmless ecosystem-building material. It is appropriate for use in mass cement and heap development. It is likewise a decent decision for use in marine applications and water-retaining structures. It has high strength and resistance from compound attack. It can also work on the strength and sturdiness of post structures, including extensions and dams.

How is cement manufactured?

There are several steps in the manufacturing process. To manufacture the cement available in Bihar, the raw materials are mixed, kilns are used to heat the mixture to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit, and the resulting clinker is then ground to a fine powder. Another method is the wet method, which involves mixing raw materials with water before entering the kiln. In both methods, blowers aerate the air in the silos to keep the raw materials in motion.

Wet process

Cement manufacturing is a complex process and involves a mixture of raw materials that need to be prepared, proportioned and ground to a fine powder. The mixture is then mixed with water and stored in a slurry tank. In contrast to the dry process, which does not use water, the wet process uses water to make cement.

The raw materials used in the wet process are calcareous and argillaceous materials. They are combined to form a slurry of cement that is 30 to 50 percent water. This mixture is then sent to a tube mill or ball mill to grind it into a fine powder. In some cases, grinding aids are added to the feed material. If the cement is to be produced for construction purposes, an air-entraining agent is added to ensure a finer powder. The finished cement is stored in silos and packaged in bags. It is also shipped in bulk containers.

A rotary kiln is an important component of a cement manufacturing factory. The kiln is a steel cylindrical shell with a number of rotating arms. The slurry is continuously agitated, and hot gases are passed through the lower part.

Elements of Prime Gold Cement in Bihar

  • Prime Gold Cement provides extra strength to the building
  • Prime Gold’s Cement is easily available in the market at reasonable rates. 
  • Thick and impenetrable concrete forestalls steel rusting and water leakage problems.
  • Prime Gold cement holds low expansion & shrinkage properties that keep away the cracks in the construction.

FAQs Cement

Cement is basicaly the solution for binding construction materials used in building and civil engineering construction. There are mainly three types of cement available in the market:

  • Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
  • Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) or
  • Pozzolana Slag Cement (PSC)

Process of manufacturing Cement 

  • Extraction of limestone from the mines
  • The mixing of limestone, clay or bauxite, and iron ore or laterite in the proper ratios is then clinkered in rotary kilns at a high temperature to form a “clinker.”
  • Crumbling of clinker with gypsum to form cement
  • Lastly, storing it in silos, testing, and dispatch

Price of cement in Bihar ranges from Rs 400 to 800 in Bihar for 50 kg of cement bag. Rate of cement varies depending on the grade of the cement which determines its quality. Cement prices also vary as per the state and the company manufacturing.


Cement should be stored carefully. There are a few safety measures to be viewed in the storage of cement. Following are the various circumstances against which safeguards are to be taken:

  • Air dampness content
  • Duration of stockpiling cement bags
  • Storage Place
  • Organizing cement packs

Calcareous and argillaceous are the two commonly used raw materials to produce cement.

What are the different kinds of cement?


There are many different kinds of cement, each with different properties and applications. 1. OPC 2. PPC 3. PSC

However, the most common type is ordinary Portland cement, which is used for most types of general concrete construction.


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